
Showing posts from August, 2019

Hello and first post.

Hi. For anyone out there reading this, this post is an introductory post explaining what my blogs will be about. There will be more than one subject but I will primarily be exploring mental health issues, spirituality and whatever else strikes my fancy. If I have a thought on any topic, no matter what it is, I will write about it. I've never really written a blog before, so this is quite new to me.   I could say a lot about myself here, but I believe in building relationships and not giving the plot of one's life away in a few palsy sentences.  I didn't always believe in this but after bulldozing a few relationships with my intensity, I've opted for what I perceive as normal. Which, even as I write this, I don't have the faintest notion of what normal is. I wonder if anyone does?  My guess, probably not. My therapist says normal is a setting on a dryer and my therapist is quite smart.  I'll admit that I would like to be "normal" more often than not...